Thursday, August 9, 2012

Resolutions for the rest of 2012

Well, better late than never. 

I wouldn't have thought 10 years ago that I'd find myself needing reminders like this. What does a 15 year-old really know though? Life seems to be a constant process of re-learning things you may once have thought you knew. The good news is, as someone close recently pointed out - Life is long.
One week ago, that seemed like a terrible fact to be faced with. No doubt, I'l find myself contemplating this same thought with too much seriousness more than once again.

The key seems to lie in figuring out what you want, and what it is that makes you tick. For some of us who don't have that luxury of utter focus and obsession over a dedicated cause, it probably is good news after all that the end of the world isn't here yet.
 I have time to figure things out, and enjoy the endless possibilities that one way may lead to over another. How terribly exciting.

So, resolutions for the current year:

1. Strive to be a creator - of, anything but always
2. Surround myself with good energy
3. Not blame myself, or think that I'm any less than

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I've been tossing and toying with the idea of getting myself an entry level DSLR for ever now.

 Before graduating, it was going to be my reward to myself for surviving (no exaggeration there) medical school. When the time came though, I had convinced myself that life was not worth the pictures of it, and the completion of the endeavour fell flatly in anticlimax.

Sitting at my home computer, going through yet another spell of the blues - probably self inflicted and perpetuated as always - I find myself browsing through old pictures on the hard drive. It's funny what slips from memory when you don't pay it enough attention. I for one, have taught myself to forget bad things but at the very dear price of now losing the good ones too.

Perhaps I'm setting myself up to not learn from mistakes, or perhaps I'm doing even worse by not opening myself up to taking risks to avoid making them all together.

Maybe I should get a camera today, before I leave, as a reminder that life consists of both good and bad experiences and memories - all worth living and remembering.